Eater: Navy Pier's Getting Its First Craft Cocktail Bar
Craft cocktails will finally arrive at Navy Pier thanks to the folks at Tiny Lounge. The sleek North Center cocktail bar with a cult-like following plans on opening a location inside the former Häagen-Daz spot in the food court. Tiny Tavern is slated for a summer opening, according to Crain's.
Chicago Food Planet: 5 Best Bites on Navy Pier
For more than sixteen years, Tiny Tavern’s flagship location, Tiny Lounge has functioned as both a destination location and a neighborhood fixture. In 2016 they took their passion for delicious food to Navy Pier, so we can enjoy all their delightful dishes on the waterfront!
Urban Matter: Everything Going On For Valentine’s Day At Navy Pier
Navy Pier’s festivities have you covered for all of February and even March! Whether you’re the theater-going type or a super-active workout junkie, Navy Pier has something for you. Flying solo? Navy Pier has plans for singles too.
For all you lovebirds, here are your options at Navy Pier.
Come see a day in the life at Tiny Tavern.